Sometimes I have these thoughts
Random and wild i say
Thoughts that make me smile
Smile and wish for other things
Simpler things
Right now I wish
I was born in a different age
Preferably preindustrial age
And precisely in the stone age
I know what you are thinking
That I am a party pooper
And I don't appreciate
The good things of today
Quite on the contrary I say
I will most likely miss the internet
And the baked foods and salads
But still I will be more at home
At the stone age
Imagine the thrill and blood rush
Running after game in a hunt
The excitement of collecting
Wild honey nuts and fruits
Did i mention beauty and nature
Pure and unpolluted
If only you could see and feel
What i see and feel
Where people actually love you
Truly without pretence
Where love and unity is tyrant
Helping and sharing is prospect
Winning or losing is communal
In plenty and in misfortune
A people remain one
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