I know for sure that tomorrow comes
And I will not be afraid of it as I’ve always been
Though it’s a day closer to my grave
Though it’s a day closer to the end of the world
Though it’s a day closer to losing my senses
It’s a day closer to becoming a nobody
I will not be afraid of it when it comes.
Gone are the days when I feared tomorrow
For gone are the days when today was worth
I wouldn’t say the same of yesterday though
For gone are the days when life was worth
And I know I’ve had no boldness to face tomorrow
But then it seems I will have to borrow
Because tomorrow comes, so let it come
Tomorrow was my biggest worry
Because I feared the consequences of my today
And being haunted by the choices of yesterday
Feared living to compensate the past
But that past is mine
If I could only mount it to someone else
Then maybe I would love tomorrow
But would never deserve to see it
Now tomorrow is my greatest desire
Because it is my only hope
Hope of correcting my mistakes of today and yesterday
Hope that the road will rise up to meet me
Hope of waking up to a sober and peaceful nation
Hope of waking up to see a smile on my mom’s face
Hope of waking up to a totally new life
This is the best thought then: tomorrow comes
It comes for me, to have another chance.
by Vincent Owino